This is Team Bravo's blog for Round 2 of the Aloha Challenge, presented here as delivered to the judges.
体 験 記 We had GREAT TIME in Ma`o Organic Farm.... 僕達はMa`o Organic Farmでとてもよい体験をしました... "My experience at Ma'o Organic Farm was a rare experience that I would not have been able to have in Japan, so it was really fun. I highly recommend Japanese youth to try and learn in such a beautiful place. Thank you so much!' Ma'o Organic Farmでの体験は日本では絶対に体験できないものだったので、 本当に楽しかったです。日本の現代っ子たちにも、この美しすぎる大自然の 中での体験をしてほしいと思いました!ありがとう! "As we walked through the farm, I felt a sense of 私たちがMA'O Organic Farmに一歩踏み入れたとき、私はMA'O Organic Farmの人 "Today we went to Ma'o an it was awesome. Brian toured us throughout the farm while asking about our favorites McDonald's foods. He was such a fun person, I 今日私たちはMA'O Organic Farmという素晴らしい農園にいきました。ブライアン MA'O ORGANIC FARMに行ったときはじめは少しびっくりしましたな The first time I went to MA'O ORGANIC FARM, I
Director: Taiki Asano
Tamiko Hobin
togetherness and the people there welcomed us with open arms. Everyone was
like family there and they treated us as if we were a part of their family.
I learned about a lot of different things like the history of the lualualei
valley to how great organic fruits taste. I personally live on the Wai'anae
side of Oahu so I see what happens here and all the struggles, so I am glad
that Mao Organic Farm has a program where they influence the youth
for the better and teach them to give back to the community. "
々との何か一体感を感じ、また、MA'O Organic Farmの人々は両手をひろげ私たちを迎え入れてくれました。そこにいる全員はまるで家族のようで彼らは、私たち
を知っています。なので、MA'O Organic Farmが若い人々に良い影響を与え、また
知って、私はとてもうれしいです。 Travis Worsowicz
wish we could have spent more time with him. I also loved the family
atmosphere there and hope I can return soon."
くれました。彼はとてもおもしろい人で、私たちが彼と一緒の時間をもっと過ごせれば良いのにと思いました。また、私は、ここのアットホームな雰囲気がとても気に入りました。そして、すぐにここ戻る機会があれば良いのにと思いました。 Saki Harada
was a little bit surprised.Kind,just like us,were working within beautiful
nature. They experience thing everyday that we have not.I already had an
interest in organic.I was really moved by their ability to help