So, what is a 'lei'?
It is a wreath of flowers draped around the neck presented upon arriving or leaving as a symbol of affection. There are ones made out of shells, stones, and animal teeth, as well as leis made out of plants. Each flower on the lei has a different meaning depending on the time, place, and occasion. It represents 'respect' and 'love' toward mother nature and its' surroundings.
Tell me the different types of 'Lei'!!
①Ti Leaf
→The 'Ti-leaf' is a long and green leaf that the Hawaiians twisted together to create a rope-like lei. The ti-leaf represents safety or protection, for it was used by priests to heal the sick as well as to ward off evil spirits.
②Hala→The dark purple or green fruit of the pandanus, or 'hala', is used in lei to represent the beginning or ending of something. People often use it in graduation or retirement ceremonies for these particular reasons. However, the word hala directly translates into death, therefore, it is often seen at funerals too. ③Maua Loa
→The 'Mauna Loa' is a light purple flower that lives longer than other flowers. Due to this reason, the people of Hawai`i used it for traveling long voyages to signify long life on their dangerous voyages at sea.
④Pua Kika
→The 'pua kika', or cigar flower, is often made into a lei for men. It is a long and skinny flower that looks like an actual cigar, hence its name.
→The `Ohaiali`i is a gorgeous flower of a red or yellow pigment. Due to its brilliant colors and beauty, it is often given to women. It was brought over from South America in the 1900s.
⑥Ilima →The small golden flower, or 'Ilima', is a golden flower signifying royalty. It is a type of hibiscus, and is also the flower of the island of O`ahu.
→The 'maile' is a vine and a family to the oleander plant. It also represents high status and is often worn by males at wedding ceremonies. It is also used a lot in hula. ⑧Pikake
→The 'pikake' flower is a small yet sweet smelling flower that was loved by princess *Ka`iulani and by many today. People use its bud to make lei, and it is used by brides in wedding ceremonies.
⑨`Ohi`a Lehua→The `Ohi`a Lehua is a dainty red flower that represents the goddess Pele, who is the goddess of the volcano. It is used in lei making for traditional Hawaiian dances, or the hula kahiko. It is also the flower of the Hawai`i island.
※Princess Kaʻiulani: heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi and held the title of crown princess.
③マウナ・ロア→薄紫色の小さな花。つぼみを使用するため長持ちすることでも知られ、かつては船旅に出かける時などに使用された。 ④プア・キカ
→開ききってない小さな花をビーズのようにつなげてレイに使う。 *プリンセス・カイウラ二が愛した花として知られ、結婚式の時に花嫁が身に付けることが多い。
What is 'Lei Day'?
Every 1st day of May, there is a celebration in Hawaiian culture called a 'Lei Day'. It is a festival where there are many kinds of exciting events such as lei making contests, and lei princess shows.

Want to see more pictures of Lei Day? Click here.
5月1日の『レイ・デー』これは'ハワイの伝統文化を讃える日'として1928年に制定されました。この日はレイ作りコンテストやハワイ文化をテーマとして様々な記念行事が開催されます。レイの女王のお披露目など楽しいイベントが盛りだくさんです★  レイ・デーのフォトギャラリーへ ようこそ★
Team 愛loha:
Seiji Dylan Iwalani Nodoka Takenori
What's the history?
Immigrants from Polynesia came to Hawai`i in the 1200s bringing life necessities. Lei was one of these necessities signifying art and tradition. It originated from the Polynesians, so the Hawaiian lei has similarities with Polynesian lei and tradition. The lei teaches us the life and love of ancient Hawaiians.
The primary lei were used in various situations. Peasants used it to praise god for abundant harvest while priests used them for traditional and sacred ceremonies of healing. Poets composed songs about lei to give thanks to the gods, who appreciated lei. Lei was also important as a symbol of leadership and love.
Although ancient Hawaiians used only certain flowers to make lei, modern people use many different flowers. In the 1900s, many people carried flowers from their home countries such as carnations, gardenias, jasmines, merry golds, pansies, plumerias, roses, and violets. As a result, the original Hawaiian lei has changed over the years.
 More history? Learn more here.
Is it true that each island has its own official lei?
Oahu – lei ilima (yellow)
Maui – lei lokelani akala (pink rose)
Kauai – lei mokihana (violet)
Hawaii – lei lehua (red)
Molokai – lei kukui (silver/green)
Lanai – lei kaunaoa (orange)
Kahoolawe – lei hunching (silver/grey)
Niihau – lei pupu (white shells)
Molokini – lei limu kala (blue)
ハワイ島-レフア(赤) モロカイ島-ククイ(銀/緑) ラナイ島-カウナオア(オレンジ) カフーラウェ島-ハンチング(銀/グレー) ニイハウ島-ププ(白い貝殻) モロキニ島-リム・カラ(青)
How do you make a lei?/どうやって作るの?
1. Choose your flower!/お花を選んで! →ex. Plumeria/プルメリア等
2.Take your needle(12 inches) and thread the eye with a thread or fishing line./長い針(12㌅)をとって、紐か釣り糸にひっかけてね。(長い針の先に紐を引っ掛ける所があるよ)
3.Poke the needle through the middle of the flower, and string it through./お花の真ん中に針を刺して、そのまま紐に通してね。(You will need approximately 50 Plumeria blossoms for a single 40 inch lei./だいたいプルメリアの花50個で40㌅のレイが作れるよ)
4.When you have finished stringing all the flowers, tie off the thread/line and cut off any excess./お花を全部紐に通せたら、紐先を結んで残った紐は切ってね。
5.Now you are ready to present it to whomever you wish to honor!/さあ、あなたの大切な人に捧げましょう!
→Become a professional at making leis! CLICK HERE.
Are there any certain rules relating lei?
●One should always know when receiving a lei for the first time.
●A lei should be a welcomed expression of love from one person to another, therefore you should never refuse a lei.
●It is considered rude to remove a lei in front of the person who gave it to you. ●After using a lei you must always give it back to the nature properly, never throw it away in the garbage can. Respect and appreciation toward our nature still lives in our 'aloha spirit'.

●初めてレイを貰った時を、いつも知っておくべきである。 ●レイは人から人への愛情による歓迎の表現であるから、レイを拒否してはならない。 ●貰った人の前でレイを外すことは失礼にあたると考えられている。
Tell me a legend about 'Lei'!
'Pele' (the Hawaiian god)fell in love with a man, later to find out that he was involved with another woman. She became envy of their love and separated them sending the man to the beach and his lover to the mountains. Not long after they were separated, they each became a half of a flower due to Pele`s power, they couldn`t fully develop into complete flowers. Only if they are brought together again in a lei, will each create a full flower as their love reunites.